Performance Management
Clear and measurable organisational, departmental, and individual performance targets are set at the beginning of every financial year, so our employees know what is expected of them to focus their energy and efforts on what matters most. Clear rating descriptions provide our employees with an indication of where they stand in their personal performance and growth journey.
Employee engagement
We conduct an annual employee engagement survey that enable staff to provide feedback and in the last 3 years employee engagement has been increasing.
The employee engagement survey conducted in the FY 2020/2021 had an overall response rate of 81% (2020: 80%) and indicated a 92% employee satisfaction rate compared to 93% the previous financial year.
Our management team is equally assessed through a 360-degree review that enables employees to give feedback to leaders, peers or direct reports. This feedback helps management identify areas of leadership strength as well as areas for development improvement. A number of initiatives took place to engage with employees: -
Employee communication
We strive for a harmonious and productive working environment based on trust and co-operation. Maintaining various channels of communication amongst members of staff is an ingrained part of the NSSF Culture encouraging employees to “speak”. The intranet is the focal point of our communications with daily updates across NSSF in Uganda and in the region.
Employee retention
Our objective is to foster a culture of excellence within the Fund and talent retention is critical. The organisation rewards employees for long term service and exceptional performance and achievement. NSSF’s successful employee retention is evident from our employees’ length of service. The average tenure of our employees is 8 years with more than 54% of our employees having been with the Fund for more than 5 years.
Remuneration and benefits
Our remuneration policy rewards employees for their contribution to the organisation, supports our ability to attract and retain talent at all levels of the organisation and drives a high-performance culture. The Fund conducts annual salary surveys that enable it to benchmark with the best in the country. This has enabled the Fund to develop a remuneration policy and reward structure that attracts and retains top talent.
We provide medical insurance cover to all Fund employees and their dependents. In addition, a retirement benefit scheme “Staff Provident Fund” is provided to all non-executive staff as well a “Gratuity Scheme” for the Executive Staff (EXCO).