Establish a dedicated team to drive innovation in the voluntary space (agile testing of new business models to take advantage of emerging opportunities)
There is a healthy portfolio of exploratory products and services that is aligned with the customer journey roadmap and we are able to bring these to market (feasibly)
Head of Marketing and Communication (working closely with Customer Experience team)
Contribute towards efforts to create jobs and in so doing increase membership and contributions
A roadmap to progressively externalise the Hi-Innovator programme
A legal and separate entity has been established to support the Hi-Innovator goals. This entity is working closely with Strategic Partners to create a sustainable pipeline of investible Small and Growing Businesses (SGBs)
Establish a stakeholder advocacy strategy to influence national policies and laws that are favourable to the members’ and the Fund’s long-term interests
Assign accountability
NSSF Amendment Bill and regulations address liquidity concerns, return to members, while still delivering on mid-term products
DMD, working closely with CS
Develop a digitalisation roadmap for the employee journey (From job application right until exit and alumni status)
Agile Project with work-stream structure
Single digital HR Platform with 360 views of employees to facilitate the entire employee experience at the Fund
CIO working closely with HRA
Framework and Action Plan for Implementation of NSSF Amendment Bill
EXCO Sub-Committee (CFO, CS, HoB, Chief Investment Officer, DMD, Head of Ops)
If the NSSF Amendment Bill is signed into law “tomorrow”, the Fund is ready (to pay members, manage increased traffic, manage liquidity, etc)
Committee to be chaired by CFO
Develop and oversee implementation of enterprise-wide skilling strategy for the business, taking account of rapidly changing environment
Broken down into milestones within BSC of HRA
The Fund has established:
Implement an updated Fund structure, and performance management strategy
Broken down in milestones in scorecard of HRA
Review the Strategic Asset Allocation of the Fund
Embedded in BSC of Chief Investment Officer
The Fund has established:
Chief Investment Officer
Develop and oversee implementation of a customer journey roadmap based on agreed Needs, Wants & Desires of the customers
Agile Project with Work Streams
2 major New Products brought to market based on agreed customer journey roadmap
HMC working closely with HoB